Sunday 14 April 2013

Someday Thailand

So as to continue with my top #5 most desired destinations, here is #2:


Angkor Wat
Erawan Museum
Wat Phra Kaew

Oh, of course Thailand would be on my list, I mean I am a huge elephant lover and Thailand is like the home of the elephants (next to Africa and India but lets not get into that).

 I remember the moment I thought to myself 'I want to go there,' it was back in high school when I saw a picture of the Ancient Lost City of Wiang Kum Kam in National Geographic and than Lara Croft made this desire grow in Tomb Raider. 

Thailand is beautiful, it has so much culture and history. 
It is full of colours and elephants. 
It really is a beauty. 

With that I leave you with this thought, 

Sunday is Funday Everyone, 

<3 Ana. 

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