Wednesday 10 April 2013


Okay, so I have a very vivid imagination ... how do I know this? 
Simple, I have what seems to be an endless supply of outrageous dreams. 

For example, today - well technically last night - I had a dream that I was a shapeshifter and turned into a squirrel. Honestly, out of all things that I could possibly turn into I chose a squirrel ... I wonder what that says about me. 

In this dream I was trying to run away from the cops ? because they were after me because they new I was a shapeshifter? Thus began my fleeting journey. On my journey I met fellow shapeshifters, another girl who also turned into a squirrel - okay seriously whats up with me and squirrels - and a guy who turned into a sloth ( I know random). 

 Well as it turns out I fell for the sloth but  didn't have the courage to tell him my feelings, I was too much of a squirrel. Soon after he met someone while he was in his human form and I was left drowning in my feelings. Imagine, being a shape shifter who turns into a squirrel who is trying to survive both in human form and squirrel form because we all know squirrels are often the victims of road kill - eeeks. We than reach the climax scene where we are all hanging out somewhere when we hear sirens. My fellow squirrel and I could probably make it out, however there is no way I am going to leave my sloth behind so I stay and I am about to tell him my feeling when all of a sudden .... I wake up. 

 So I don't really know what happened, whether we got out or not, but regardless I either should pay  more attention to the squirrels in my neighbourhood because they are trying to tell me something or I have some serious issues where I feel that I should become a shapeshifter because I want to change my current body. 

With that thought in mind these pictures really spoke to me after that dream - you decide what type of body you want and if you love what you have than who cares what anyone else thinks or says.

  Lover yourself because you are you, and you are unique, that is what makes you special.


- Ana 

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