Thursday 18 April 2013

Someday Peru

Grrr ... I've been wanting to make this post for soo long but I have just been so busy trying to figure out my whole living situation. I am currently in Kingston, Ontario with my older brother who is currently here in teachers college but finishes at the end of the month - I'm so proud.

I was debating whether or not I wanted to stay and just live here during the summer since for whatever reason I just like smaller cities - There is a certain kind of peacefulness to them. I've been going to go see rooms to sublet for the four months and trying to find a full time job. However, it would appear that I will be going back to Toronto. 

A large part of me doesn't want to go, but than again I only know but one other person in Kingston, and well lets just say it would make for a very lonely summer. I would rather travel during this time, yet once you have been in school and have a massive student debt a source of income is more important. But if I could travel I would travel to my third most desired travel destination;


Well there are various reasons why I would love to go to peru: Machu Picchu, lamas, the mixture indigenous culture mixed with modern, and I kindof become curious about the country ever since I read The Celestine Prophecy. I guess you could say that I am drawn to ancient civilization. 

Happy Thursday 

- Ana M 

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