Friday 10 May 2013

Rainy Day Reads

So I’ve been reading A LOT lately. I finished reading the complete trilogy of The Hunger Games and now I can’t wait for the second and third movie to come out. I really enjoy fiction novels like these ones – the one of a different kind of society makes you wonder what life would be like if not like the one we know.

 There is nothing more that I wish for than for some to make a movie of The Giver my favorite book – although there is always the possibility that someone will make a disaster of it and I would be left thinking I wish they never made a movie. I guess that is a chance you take when watching the movie version of a favourite book.

I will be doing some more reading this weekend considering that I'm sick and currently loosing my voice, seems like a quiet weekend for me. 

Hope you all enjoy your weekend and I leave you with these words for thought, 

<3 Ana 

Thursday 2 May 2013

Someday Miami

Welcome to miami, Buenvenidos a Miami 

I've always wanted to go to Miami, maybe its because Will Smith came out with the Miami song or maybe it is because there is a sex appeal that Miami has; whatever the reason I find miami being one of the more achievable of my travel trips and that is why it makes it way to #5 travel destinations. 



Saturday 20 April 2013

Someday Portugal

Canadian weather is so crazy, one day its super warm the next day its snowing?! I wish I could get on a plane and just fly away from this cold that makes your fingers feel like they are going to break off. At this very moment what I wouldn't give to be able to go to my fourth most desired travel destination:


Fort de Saint John the Baptist, Berlengas Island

Pena Castle
 In my frist year of university I decided that I wanted to learn Portuguese/ I figured that the language was close enough to spanish that I could probably pick it up fast enough. I quickly learned that learning a different language requires a certain knack of sounds, something I do not posses since it didn't matter how hard I tried I just ended up making everything sound spanish. I still want to learn how to speak and say more than 'Hi, my name  is,' or 'I live' - those are the only two things I remember from that class. Regardless, I would still want to go to Portugal and see all beautiful castles that remain on the land. 

Hope Your Having a Safe and Fun Saturday Lovelies

- Ana 

Thursday 18 April 2013

Someday Peru

Grrr ... I've been wanting to make this post for soo long but I have just been so busy trying to figure out my whole living situation. I am currently in Kingston, Ontario with my older brother who is currently here in teachers college but finishes at the end of the month - I'm so proud.

I was debating whether or not I wanted to stay and just live here during the summer since for whatever reason I just like smaller cities - There is a certain kind of peacefulness to them. I've been going to go see rooms to sublet for the four months and trying to find a full time job. However, it would appear that I will be going back to Toronto. 

A large part of me doesn't want to go, but than again I only know but one other person in Kingston, and well lets just say it would make for a very lonely summer. I would rather travel during this time, yet once you have been in school and have a massive student debt a source of income is more important. But if I could travel I would travel to my third most desired travel destination;


Well there are various reasons why I would love to go to peru: Machu Picchu, lamas, the mixture indigenous culture mixed with modern, and I kindof become curious about the country ever since I read The Celestine Prophecy. I guess you could say that I am drawn to ancient civilization. 

Happy Thursday 

- Ana M 

Sunday 14 April 2013

Someday Thailand

So as to continue with my top #5 most desired destinations, here is #2:


Angkor Wat
Erawan Museum
Wat Phra Kaew

Oh, of course Thailand would be on my list, I mean I am a huge elephant lover and Thailand is like the home of the elephants (next to Africa and India but lets not get into that).

 I remember the moment I thought to myself 'I want to go there,' it was back in high school when I saw a picture of the Ancient Lost City of Wiang Kum Kam in National Geographic and than Lara Croft made this desire grow in Tomb Raider. 

Thailand is beautiful, it has so much culture and history. 
It is full of colours and elephants. 
It really is a beauty. 

With that I leave you with this thought, 

Sunday is Funday Everyone, 

<3 Ana. 

Saturday 13 April 2013

Someday Spain

So I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do during the next couple of years and I've come to the decision that I would really love to become a stewardesses. It would give me the opportunity to travel and possibly fulfil my desire to visit some places that I've always dreamt of going to (I would be able to get discounted tickets!! YAY!). 

This thought has already turned into a dream actually. I've literally starting dreaming of myself flying, and as I have already shared with you my dreams get very ... well interesting.

With these things in mind a decided to share with you my top 5 travel destinations - although, in reality some are places I would love move to and live for a year or so. 

Anyways, #1 on my list is ESPANA / SPAIN

Casa Mila 

Casa Batllo 
Las Ramblas
The Crystal Palace
I don't know if you ladies are familiar with the Shopaholic series but you could say I am like Becky. I am such a lavish day dreamer where I picture every single detail and well my dream for spain is to live in a Villa, along a gravel path with a small brick fence enclosing my house. There would be a small out house in the backyard and I would have chickens and other small animals. I would make my own wine and ride my bicycle into town while wearing beautiful sun dresses and have sun kissed long hair.



Wednesday 10 April 2013


Okay, so I have a very vivid imagination ... how do I know this? 
Simple, I have what seems to be an endless supply of outrageous dreams. 

For example, today - well technically last night - I had a dream that I was a shapeshifter and turned into a squirrel. Honestly, out of all things that I could possibly turn into I chose a squirrel ... I wonder what that says about me. 

In this dream I was trying to run away from the cops ? because they were after me because they new I was a shapeshifter? Thus began my fleeting journey. On my journey I met fellow shapeshifters, another girl who also turned into a squirrel - okay seriously whats up with me and squirrels - and a guy who turned into a sloth ( I know random). 

 Well as it turns out I fell for the sloth but  didn't have the courage to tell him my feelings, I was too much of a squirrel. Soon after he met someone while he was in his human form and I was left drowning in my feelings. Imagine, being a shape shifter who turns into a squirrel who is trying to survive both in human form and squirrel form because we all know squirrels are often the victims of road kill - eeeks. We than reach the climax scene where we are all hanging out somewhere when we hear sirens. My fellow squirrel and I could probably make it out, however there is no way I am going to leave my sloth behind so I stay and I am about to tell him my feeling when all of a sudden .... I wake up. 

 So I don't really know what happened, whether we got out or not, but regardless I either should pay  more attention to the squirrels in my neighbourhood because they are trying to tell me something or I have some serious issues where I feel that I should become a shapeshifter because I want to change my current body. 

With that thought in mind these pictures really spoke to me after that dream - you decide what type of body you want and if you love what you have than who cares what anyone else thinks or says.

  Lover yourself because you are you, and you are unique, that is what makes you special.


- Ana