Saturday 20 April 2013

Someday Portugal

Canadian weather is so crazy, one day its super warm the next day its snowing?! I wish I could get on a plane and just fly away from this cold that makes your fingers feel like they are going to break off. At this very moment what I wouldn't give to be able to go to my fourth most desired travel destination:


Fort de Saint John the Baptist, Berlengas Island

Pena Castle
 In my frist year of university I decided that I wanted to learn Portuguese/ I figured that the language was close enough to spanish that I could probably pick it up fast enough. I quickly learned that learning a different language requires a certain knack of sounds, something I do not posses since it didn't matter how hard I tried I just ended up making everything sound spanish. I still want to learn how to speak and say more than 'Hi, my name  is,' or 'I live' - those are the only two things I remember from that class. Regardless, I would still want to go to Portugal and see all beautiful castles that remain on the land. 

Hope Your Having a Safe and Fun Saturday Lovelies

- Ana 

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