Monday 8 April 2013

About a friendship

However, since that doesn't always happen
because we tend to criticize, over analyze, and get consumed
with our faults and sorrows, we find that person
that sees beyond what you see. They realizes
that your amazing and that you guys are meant for each other
not in a romantic way but rather in that platonic
I simply love you because you are amazing
kinda way. So if you can not yet become your own best friend,
its okay because a best friend regardless of who they are
will always make your life easier. 
It might have been that person you met at school and become accomplices to each others rebellion,
Or that friend that getting ready for a night out was the best part of the night. 
Perhaps its the college roommate that you could  not see yourself living without
and decided to go continue living together once school was out. 
A friend enters your live and leaves.
A best friend enters you life and pitches a tent.
They start a fire that warms you up,
and endures the wilderness of your heart.
Because we are ever changing, ever growing,
and a friend that accepts that and remains,
is not only a best friend but a
soul mate.

XO Lovelies,


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