Friday 10 May 2013

Rainy Day Reads

So I’ve been reading A LOT lately. I finished reading the complete trilogy of The Hunger Games and now I can’t wait for the second and third movie to come out. I really enjoy fiction novels like these ones – the one of a different kind of society makes you wonder what life would be like if not like the one we know.

 There is nothing more that I wish for than for some to make a movie of The Giver my favorite book – although there is always the possibility that someone will make a disaster of it and I would be left thinking I wish they never made a movie. I guess that is a chance you take when watching the movie version of a favourite book.

I will be doing some more reading this weekend considering that I'm sick and currently loosing my voice, seems like a quiet weekend for me. 

Hope you all enjoy your weekend and I leave you with these words for thought, 

<3 Ana 

Thursday 2 May 2013

Someday Miami

Welcome to miami, Buenvenidos a Miami 

I've always wanted to go to Miami, maybe its because Will Smith came out with the Miami song or maybe it is because there is a sex appeal that Miami has; whatever the reason I find miami being one of the more achievable of my travel trips and that is why it makes it way to #5 travel destinations. 

